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Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Executioner…A short Story

The Executioner…

Executioner… That’s what they called me… Why? Because I was the best of the best.

My Name: John
Last name: Unknown
My Profession: Hitman

Welcome to my world!!! The world where a kill is like eating a sandwich, a piece of cake…

It all started ten years ago. The world was all black and white. The people were either too good or too evil. It all began on that fateful day, the 13th of November. It was cold and dark. Winter had sent in quite harshly this year. The snow fell more like a blizzard than like a postcard scenery. On that fateful day, I was trudging through a foot of snow. I was making my way to the supermarket to get some groceries and there I saw it…rather them…

The Man was getting hounded by 2 goons. I rushed to his aid as he ran past me. They ignored me. Bad Choice! I tripped one of them. He whirled around falling and the crowbar in his hand struck my face. The numbness struck me and was quickly replaced with a soothing liquid. Then I realized that it was my own blood flowing from a cut above my brow. Everything seemed to be a blur after that as I vaguely remembered snatching his crowbar and mercilessly butchering him to death.

Moments passed. They seemed like eternity. I had heard of moments that lasted forever but this was the first time I experienced the same. I looked down and saw something that looked like last week’s beetroot and pumpkin mash. Then I realized that they were his brains splattered in front of me. Honestly I didn’t know that a blur and a crowbar could do so much damage.

I sat there in a daze. I had just murdered a person in cold blood. I looked around. There was no one there. I guess the other guy was still hot on the pursuit of his victim. The alley was dark and I felt dazed. I sat there for a while. Suddenly I heard a voice screaming at me.

Groggily I got up and saw the other goon run towards me with a gun in his hand. Looked like he was gonna shoot me… Next thing I knew I picked up the crowbar from the ground and threw it straight towards the imaginary bull’s eye in the middle of his forehead. THUD!!!
He looked like a corpse… Shit!!! I just killed him; of course he is a corpse…

I looked up and suddenly realized that in this world what I did was wrong. There were no witnesses. But what I did was wrong!!! I decided to turn myself into the authorities. I started walking towards the nearest police station. It was a mile away. The weather was cold and I broke into a slow jog to keep myself warm. I felt good and I dint know why… Was it because of the double kills? Man I felt good. I continued to run a little faster. Wow I actually liked it… Maybe I can make a living out of it. I continued to run past the police station. And so my career began as a professional hitman.

I started off with low alley hits and made my way up. Now, ten years later, I am number one, the numero uno, not just in this country but in the entire world. All my shots were accurate. It was as if my eyes had a habit of picking up bull’s eyes on victims. I had a six month waiting list. I am the greatest.
Am or Was?

I suddenly remembered the three bullets in my gut. Pain was searing through me. I tried to recollect what had happened… “Oh! Yes the setup!!!”
This was to be a regular operation . I had to take out an underworld don, Carlos was his name, while he went to church to pray.

The client: Robert, The Mafia Don’s Right Hand
The Reason: He wanted to be the new don.

It was a straightforward hit.
Sniper gun, take the don off when he returned and walk. But somewhere things went terribly wrong. When I looked through my sniper lens when Carlos came out, he looked straight at where I was and waved. It couldn’t be right. It looked like he was waving me goodbye and then I felt a hand on my shoulder wheel me around and pump three bullets in my stomach. It’s a painful way to die, being shot in the stomach.

I looked up and saw Robert’s face clearly. This was a bloody setup. But Why??? Questions would have to wait, now it was time for a hit back. I wasn’t going down that easy. I pulled out my 8” blade and buried it deep inside him. The initial shock never left his face. He looked like one of those funny ghosts. Very funny. It cracked me up.

Me: Why?
Robert: For my Brothers
Me: Who were they?
Robert: They were good. Remember the alley ten years ago.

Then it struck me. My first kills were his brothers. Guess some people remember a grudge for a long time. Feeling no guilt whatsoever, I proceeded to cut his stomach and intestines. I was a big fan of the Japanese hara-kiri. Here Robert got his hara-kiri just the way I wanted him to. Slowly.

I staggered back and fell on the floor. Its gonna be a while before I die. I remembered the past.
I can hear footsteps now. It must be Carlos’ men. I close my eyes, waiting to die. I can hear the door to the terrace open.



Anonymous said...

Dude!!! That was one amazing write-up... Looks like u can complie a collection of dark short stories.. Keep up da good work

Anonymous said...

Dude!!! That was one amazing write-up... Looks like u can compile a collection of dark short stories.. Keep up da good work